
首頁產品簡介Product-MikroARM Development Tools

ARM Development Tools



EasyARMThe EasyARM development system supports the latest 64- and 144-pin ARM microcontrollers from NXP (former Philips). It comes with the LPC2148 microcontroller. The board features a USB 2.0 programmer and a touch panel controller for easy prototype development. [more info]
ARMFlashThe ARMFlash is a USB 2.0 programmer used for programming ARM microcontrollers from NXP (former Philips). Unlike programmers whose operation is based on bootloaders, this one provides the external programming of microcontrollers so that the entire memory is available. [more info]
EasyARM Experimental Board ARM MCU Cards
EasyARM Experimental BoardThe EasyARM Experimental Board is a high quality board designed by Mikroelektronika. It supports EasyARM MCU Cards and enables you to program your microcontrollers with ease. [more info]
ARM MCU CardsARM MCU Cards can be easily connected to development systems through a two-line connector. The bottom of these cards is provided with a ground plane for noise prevention.
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UNI-DS3 Development System [ARM] Empty ARM MCU Cards
UNI-DS3 Development System [ARM]The UNI-DS3 development system supports PIC, AVR, 8051, ARM, PSoC and dsPIC MCUs with a large number of peripherals. If you want to give another MCU a try you just have to switch the card and continue working in the same development environment.[more info]
Empty ARM MCU CardsEmpty ARM MCU Cards support 64- and 144-pin NXP ARM devices. You should solder your microcontroller and other electronic components you need on them. These cards can be easily connected to a development system via a two-line connector.
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