
首頁產品簡介Product-MikroPIC24 and dsPIC33 Tools

PIC24 and dsPIC33 Tools

LV 24-33 v6 Development System

Easy24-33 v6 Development System

LV 24-33 v6 Development SystemThe LV 24-33 v6 is a development system that supports 44-, 64-, 80- and 100-pin PIC24F, PIC24H and dsPIC33F MCUs. It comes with a PIC24FJ64GA010. It features a USB 2.0 programmer with mikroICD (In-Circuit Debugger), touch panel controller, MMC/SD card slot, etc. [more info]
Easy24-33 v6 Development SystemThe Easy24-33 v6 development system supports 14-, 18-, 20- and 28-pin PIC24 and dsPIC33 microcontrollers from Microchip. It comes with a PIC24F16KA102. The system features a USB 2.0 programmer with mikroICD and many peripheral modules such as Touch Sense, Serial RAM, EEPROM, etc.
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mikroMMB for PIC24 Board mikroMMB for dsPIC33 Board
mikroMMB for PIC24 BoardThe mikroMMB for PIC24 Board is a small-size development board with the PIC™24 device. On-board multimedia peripherals such as 320x240 TFT Color Display with Touch Screen, Stereo Codec, etc. allow you to explore the full potential of new Microchip® PIC™24 16-bit devices.[more info]
mikroMMB for dsPIC33 BoardThe mikroMMB for dsPIC33 Board is a compact multimedia development board with the dsPIC™33 device. On-board peripherals such as 320x240 TFT Color Display with Touch Screen, Stereo Codec, etc. allow you to explore multimedia features of new Microchip® dsPIC™33 DSC devices. [more info]
LV 24-33A Development System LvPICFlash with mikroICD
LV 24-33A Development SystemThe LV24-33A development system supports 64-, 80- and 100-pin PIC24F, PIC24H and dsPIC33F microcontrollers from Microchip. It comes with the PIC24FJ64GA010 microcontroller. The board includes a USB 2.0 programmer, mikroICD (In-Circuit Debugger) and a touch panel controller. [more info]
LvPICFlash with mikroICDThe LvPICFlash with mikroICD support is a USB 2.0 programmer with in-circuit debugger (mikroICD) used for programming dsPIC33 and PIC24 microcontrollers from Microchip. It is powered through a single USB port on your PC and is specifically designed for in-circuit programming. [more info]
LV24-33A Experimental Board LV 24-33 v6 TQFP MCU Cards
LV24-33A Experimental BoardThe LV24-33A Experimental Board is used for programming LV24-33 MCU cards. It enables you to program microcontrollers in an easy way. You just have to place an MCU card on the board and start programming. [more info]
LV 24-33 v6 TQFP MCU CardsLV 24-33 v6 TQFP MCU Cards come with 64-, 80- or 100-pin dsPIC33 or PIC24 microcontroller in TQFP package soldered on them. There are an on-board oscillator and pads connected to the microcontroller pins.  [more info]
LV 24-33 v6 MCU Cards Empty PCB LV24-33 MCU Cards
LV 24-33 v6 MCU Cards Empty PCBEmpty 100-pin TQFP MCU Cards support PIC24 and dsPIC33 microcontrollers in TQFP package. You can solder your own microcontroller and other components you need on these cards. [more info]
LV24-33 MCU CardsLV24-33 MCU Cards have either dsPIC33F or PIC24 MCU soldered on them. They are compatible with our LV 24-33 development systems. These cards can be easily connected to a development system via a two-line connector.
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Empty LV24-33 MCU Cards  
Empty LV24-33 MCU CardsEmpty LV24-33 MCU Cards are compatible with our LV 24-33 development systems. You should solder your MCU and other electronic components on these cards. They are connected to a development system via a two-line connector. Their bottom has a ground plane for noise prevention. [more info]


                               Microport Computer  Electronics Inc.                                 www.microport.com.tw 
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